Call of duty black 4 zombies boat map parts
Call of duty black 4 zombies boat map parts

call of duty black 4 zombies boat map parts

The rest of the central building, which is accessible by removing barriers with points, contains a buff machine, where you can purchase and upgrade buffs, and a Mystery Box spawn point. As you can imagine from its name, this perk-a-cola machine is a near-essential for solo players and for those tasked at revive duty in Multiplayer games. Last, but certainly not least, the starting room is where you’ll find Quick Revive. Although it costs 2000 points, the sticky grenade can be used multiple times and is a great source of splash damage that may come in handy against tight groups of zombies.

call of duty black 4 zombies boat map parts call of duty black 4 zombies boat map parts

There is also a sticky grenade outline within the starting area. This one-time active skill can slow down zombies or turn the tide of battle in other ways, so it may be worth considering a coin over a shiny new magnum. Both weapons only cost 500 points and should hold you over for a few rounds, which is enough time to find the Mystery Box or better wall weapons.Īnother cheap point buy is a coin machine that sits right near a pile of debris. The starting room is relatively small, with only two chalk weapon outlines offering sources of offense outside the starting weapon. Like any Zombies experience you may have had before, survivors will begin their time in Shi No Numa with only a pistol, a knife, and 500 points to your name.

Call of duty black 4 zombies boat map parts